Sunday 24 March 2013

Second Post

So now im getting a bit more used to this, its becoming more natural and i don't feel so silly.
Right then, today i am going to post my mood board and some thoughts on where im going with my project since our interim review on Friday  As you may or may not remember on my last post I was talking about how i had now decided to go about it digitally and how my theme is haberdashery, don't worry its still the same, would be foolish to change it 7 weeks in anyway. I'm liking my theme the more i look into it as ive always had an obsession with collecting buttons and my mum has literally a room filled with everything you could ever dream of that is haberdashery related.

 Anyhow on your left is a photo of my mood board which has changed dramatically since week 1 but that's ok because my other theme just wasnt working for me and i would have hated myself by the end of it and the work would probably reflect that.\
Its very obvious what images im focused on, my colour palette which is isnt on there is going to be bright colours because for gift wrap it needs to have 'shelf appeal' as you dont get a second chance to impress.

On the right is the design i put up last week but if you look closely you'll notice that the bottom image looks slightly different as it has been printed onto tracing paper which has made a difference in the colours and the feel of it as a design giving it a different look.

This image is a little experimentation i was doing with layouts, colours and how the photos would look on a block colour background. As a result i need higher pix-elated photos and more buttons! But as a whole i quite like it, at one point i was thinking about printing this onto brown wrapping paper but then remembered that the module outline says luxury giftwrap so i might just test it out but not use it as a final.

I must admit since Friday i haven't done much as i was ill and working but i have loads of time to catch up on everything over the Easter holidays which i am looking forward to.
Im going down to Bath to stay at my aunts for Easter and she is very much into sewing, knitting and jewelry making so i might get some inspiration from there as well.
So that's it for today, might post sooner as i need to catch up with this and i am actually quite enjoying it as i can write down all my thoughts about my designs and then go back to them later on.

Sunday 17 March 2013

First design blog

Im going to be honest right now, ive been staring at a blank page for the past 15 mins thinking what do i write? As this is a module related blog i dont quite know how to go about it. I have other blogs but they are personal so i blabber on about random thoughts that no one cares about. So in this one i will talk about my design development, my inspiration, techniques and the moments where i want to rip all the pages out of my sketch book because i hate the theme ive chosen.
So here it goes.
For this module i started off with a completely different mood board to what i have now as it had animals and inky paintings on it. I then started drawing animals and didn't like the idea in the end, i also took into consideration that our module is called 'luxury gift wrap  and my animals were looking more urban outfitters than Harrods. So the following day i found an image of a kitten which i started sketching, i then noticed it had a bow around its neck so i started drawing that more and developing it. I liked the idea so i thought where can you buy bows? a haberdashery of course!  I then rummaged around my room and found some pins, a tape measure, buttons and started drawing things, i decided i like the idea and carried on.
After sketching i decided to take pictures of the buttons i already had and to develop them in photoshop to create a layout and to see clearer where my design is going and what media i am going to use.
I am currently at the stage of choosing colours and layouts as im pretty confident with the imagery.
The image on the left is one of the first experiments ive done on photoshop to see what i think. I like it but i need to change the colours as i think theyre too bright and the buttons need to be more even as the negative space is not equal everywhere. I think my mistake in this one is that the buttons were all one image, instead of each button being a different image/layer. So in the next one ill take each button individually and place them on the background so i have more control of the negative space and layout.
Im quite happy with where im at as i now have a clearer outlook on what im doing.
So right now im going to go and draw loads of buttons from the photos ive taken and photoshop some more!