Saturday 27 April 2013

Hi again

SO i just finished designing my last layout for my gift wrap module (yaaay) im not completely sure about the background colour but this seems to be my best option right now. Ill sleep on it and see it with a new eye tomorrow < does that make sense or have i just translated that from greek? oh well, you get the gist of it.
So now all i have left for this module is to do the colour ways, the gift bag and hand tag for the bag OH and the little bow thing, cant remember what its called. So ye :) im happy with that. Now i need to get on with my business card which is half way there and everything else!!

On the right track

Hiya, so i finally have some finals to put on here! about time really seeing as its end of april and its getting really close to deadlines now. But i am very happy with the way they are turning out which is GREAT because i usually tend to rush things towards the end and they end up looking shit. So in this post i am attaching 4 of my final layouts :) (damn that feels good) and i am working on my fifth one as i type this, well not literally but you get the picture. Quick reminder my theme is haberdashery.

silver lining part two

This is a continuation of the previous post because it decided to go all weird half way and i just thought fuck it start a new one, its not like anyone reads this anyway.
So yeah, as you can see from my earlier post the 2 images i attached i like the first one because when printed out it just looked better. So this is is the one i was talking about how i changed the background colour and it just started looking better instantly. I might make some changes still though, ill print it out tomorrow to see what it really looks like and take it from there.
So thats kinda 2 down, 2 more to go but i have my third one in my head like its very vague but its there! As for my fourth i have all the imagery im just struggling to lay it out unfortunately.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Silver Lining

So besides the fact that its week 10 (i think) and things should already be done i am still actually designing which sucks, besides some major setbacks that did not allow me to be creative i am considerably on track. Today i managed to print one off and i dont know why but when it comes to textiles whenver i print one of my designs/layouts everything thing seems to fall into place. So now ive gone from panicking to thinking i can do this. So i printed one off then i changed the background on one of the other ones which looks much better now and im about to edit one of my other designs. YAY all i need to do now is adjust the ceramic buttons i got from the V&A last week, theyre really pretty but i only bought 4 ( they were 1,75 each to be fair) i am a student you know! So i still have that to figure out but im sure i will, always seem to.
What im worried about now is the wallpaper module as its more handpainted which obviously takes longer and plus its on a bigger scale obviously which makes it slightly harder because you need to picture it on a wall in a massive repeat and scale.
Today has secretly been quite productive, i was trying to do my business card and what i want to do is not working so i need to either choose something else to do or google the shit out of it until i find a solution. I had photoshop, illustrator and Indesign all running at the same time to try and see which would work better until later on this evening i remember corelDraw which is such an easy programme compared to all that Adobe shit, so positive thinking. So this first image is the first design i printed out which i was very chuffed about, when i print it on some nice paper i think it will look really nice :)

Monday 22 April 2013

Third post-happy easter

So I'm now in wiltshire at my aunt and uncles celebtatinh easter by stuffing my face with all the food I can't affordbto buy and have no time to make. In my last post I said that I was hoping my aunt would have lots of haberdashery related things and she didn't disappoint!  I've attached a photo of this tapemeasure which is absolutely adorable, she also has an owl pin cushion, needle holder and a threader.
So now that I have all the necessary elements for my project all I need to do now is take photos (which I've already done) and manipulate them on photoshop to create 4 unique layouts and colourways.
As of Wednesday I cannot use my laptop as the charger has broke (AGAIN) which is super inconvinient as I need it to use photoshop and illustrator.
Anyhow I will try my best to get everything done as I really don't wanna fall behind on my work.

Interpretation and knowledge gained from professional practice module and design industry.

So as part of our Professional Practice module we have to write 1000 words about what we have gained from it and what we thought of it. I personally thoroughly enjoyed this module, actually i loved it, i loved it so much it was my favourite day of the week. All the other girls thought i was joking but i really did enjoy it, its all about what you need to know for when you finish which in my mind is VERY valuable information and if you don't know it you will be kicking yourself later.
Anyhow i opened my word document and because of all the information in my head i started writing random sentences which made no sense so i thought that i would right it on my blog because for some reason i tend to right better on here, i think its because there is a chance that someone might actually see it and will judge me.
So on the first week we had an introduction to the module by Kate which was very interesting, she gave us lots of tips about the industry that are good to know, about various things involving starting up your own studio to the taxes. This is what got me excited and thought this is a good module and that im going to enjoy it.
Second week we had a CAD workshop by Fred which unfortunately wasn't very helpful for me as we were doing beginners stuff and ive been using CAD for a good 3 years now so im past that stage, not saying im a pro or anything but id say im good enough. On the third week we had a presentation on how to build/write a blog which i was a bit late for actually (oops) but when i did get there i logged into my Google  account as its connected to blogger which was the website we were using and 5 mins later i was done. I was slightly disappointed because i thought we were going to be taught the way to write and set up our blog for future use and if we wanted to use it for our jobs or hobbies. But it got me started nonetheless as i already have 2 blogs i haven't been finding this too bad, the only difference is this one is strictly for uni and the others are for personal use. On week 4 we had a lecturer from the journalism school talk to us on how to write a press release which was very interesting as i didnt really know what a press release was until then and he was very informative. I cant quite remember right now what he said as i dont have my notes with me but it was interesting nonetheless.
Week five was one of my favourite classes by far, we had 2 lovely ladies from the employability skills sector in our uni and they were just very upbeat and fun but were also teaching us at the same time. Allot of people felt very awkward that day as they were being put on the spot but thats what its all about stepping out of your comfort zone and just saying what you think is the correct answer even if it might not be. I found their take very refreshing and helpful.
Right now im going to skip to week eight because i don't have my notes with me and i also think we missed one of the lectures because our tutor was absent. Right then, on week eight we had a lecture by a lovely girl called Shayna Begum which recently graduated from our university. She was lovely and had some amazing artwork that she had done in her final collection. She also spoke about how it has been since she graduated which was great because she is so relevant to us.
If i haven't said it already, as a whole i have really enjoyed this module and have learnt allot from it which i think will be very useful for future reference. Now i just need to finish doing my business cards and pro forma . This has helped, writing it down on here, don't know why but yay! it did.